
Since I posted the last photo warning mums from falling in the “summer trap”, I received several messages from convinced mums asking me about the “how to ?!”
The permanent sustainable answer for such question usually takes several coaching sessions as it requires internal changes that might include altering some of your beliefs, few changes in your life style, setting priorities, and few other steps that we usually take together during the Coaching Process.
But since we are ALREADY in the middle of the summer and some of you want tips to start immediately;

     I will give you a list of things that you can do that will help you reduce the pressure and stress of the summer time while filling your cup of self-care and at the same time everyone in the family ends up feeling happy too.

The following 5 tips will cover caring for your health and your inner soul as well

? Feed your blood!

Drink lots of water; always keep a nice stylish bottle of water that is only yours with you everywhere you go. Why “stylish” and “only yours?!” to remind you and motivate you to fill and take it every where ?you go … water helps you stay energized, cleans your body from wastes and makes up for the lost sweat all day.

You can add few slices of fresh lemon ? to it if you don’t like the taste of water.


? Listen to your body!

I know that we all wake up too early during school days ? so we wait for the summer to sleep for longer hours? (that’s if you are not a working mum who sleeps even less during summer days ??)
But let me tell you that all scientific researches proved that the best for your body is to live the morning life and sleep at night? it is also proven that each body needs a different average number of sleeping hours so you are the expert of your needs here. On average the female body needs from 6 to 9 hours of sleep so make sure you get your need and still wake up around 9 or 10 am maximum. By doing this, you are doing your body and soul a very big favor ??????
Do you also know that proper sleeping patterns support healing from depression and anxiety?! So try as much as you can to sleep and wake up around the same time every day.

?Time is Gold!
Make best use of your time, planning every night for the next day is not a bad idea. Planning doesn’t need a pen and a paper, you can plan in your head for 10 minutes before you sleep. Planning doesn’t require a set time for every activity and an alarm clock ⏰, No! it can be a general agenda of the next day’s tasks and activities. Planning makes most people energized and willing to wake up next day… simply to follow the plan they put last night?


?When is “ME” a Priority?!

Your day usually includes your work, times for children’s trainings, their outings with their friends, cooking time,…etc. Ask yourself while planning for the day: “Which part of the day will belong to ME?! Only me?!”
Will it be during your son’s swimming class? or early in the morning before you go to work? or while your daughter is at her art class? or you prefer to have this time after you put the children in bed? Write your answer down or keep in your head for the next bullet ??

?Best use of “Me time”!

Now you KNOW when you can have half an hour or an hour (can be divided into 2 halves) for yourself, it’s time to plan for this time the right way??. Think of all the delayed stuff that you used to do or even wished and dreamed of doing in the near or far past. Stuff that used to make you feel happy and energized?????‍Things that you used to enjoy before you created your Facebook page and Instagram account ???What was on that list?
⁃ Reading
⁃ Walking/ Jogging
⁃ Coloring/drawing
⁃ Sewing
⁃ Sudoko/ crosswords
⁃ Read pages from your Qur’an or bible
⁃ A nice quiet cup of coffee

– Take an appointment to care for your skin and hair

– A nice long….or short massage session

⁃ A walk on the treadmill parking in the corner of your bedroom ?
⁃ Reading (I know I mentioned it on top but I want to FOCUS on it) ?
⁃ A yoga class that you heard a lot about but you are not courageous enough to try out ???‍
⁃ What else can you think of…?!

? Now you have the “Daily Me time slot” or at least 3-4 days a week AND a list of activities to fill that slot. What’s next?!


If you believe in what you read in this blog?? you will be able to take the steps immediately and start planning tonight for your tomorrow ???

By Heba Fawzy

PCI Certified Parent Coach® ,
Personal Coach
PCI Alumni Regional Leader